Friday, March 26, 2010

the traditional healers of Chhattisgarh specialized in treatment of Leucoderma

In general, the traditional healers of Chhattisgarh specialized in treatment of Leucoderma instruct the patients to avoid the use of Baigan (Brinjal) as vegetable. According to them, its intake increases the intensity of trouble. You will be surprised to know that although its internal use is restricted but the traditional healers use the special oil prepared from Baigan fruits in treatment of Leucoderma externally. They collect the fresh fruit, boil it in water and collect the extract. This extract is further boiled in base oil. When all water contents evaporate, the oil is collected. This herbal oil is considered as a boon for the patients having the problem of Leucoderma. I have seen its practical uses many times and also got opportunity to interact with the patients. According to them, this herbal oil acts fastly and fade up the spots in very less time. Baigan is one of the very popular vegetable crops in Chhattisgarh. According to the traditional healers, the use of Baigan as vegetable is responsible for many health problems but unfortunately the natives are not much aware of this fact. The traditional healers of Chhattisgarh Plains, frequently use Karayal seeds in treatment. The seeds are mixed in Sirka (Vinegar) and an aqueous paste is applied. The patients are advised to expose the spots in sunlight after the application of this paste. To make this paste more powerful the healers add many more herbs including Bemchi (Psoralea corylifolia), Dhatra (Datura stramonium) seeds and yellow old leaves of Fudhar (Calotropis gigantea). Based on intensity of problem, the healers add these herbs in different proportions. Karayal is under cultivation in Chhattisgarh whereas Bemchi, Dhatra and Fudhar are common medicinal weeds that grow in wastelands. Tstored for future use. This liquid is applied externally on spots. It is considered as one of the promising remedies in treatment of Leucoderma. I have yet not seen this use in other parts of Chhattisgarh. Many of the above mentioned traditional uses have not been reported in reference literatures. I am proud to write about the unique traditional medicinal knowledge our healers are having.

Vaidya AravindT .V

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