Monday, May 31, 2010


Syringin, cordioside, and cordifolioside were found to possess immunopotentiating activity. The possible mechanism of immunomodulatory activity of Tinospora cordifolia stem extract was elucidated as activation of macrophages leading to increase in GM-CSF which in turn leads to leukophages and improved neutrophil function. The ethanolic extract was found to possess immuno-modulating activity. Vaidya Aravind T.V

The Efficacy of Aloevera in burn wound healing

Aloe vera has been traditionally used for burn healing but clinical evidence remains unclear. A systematic review was done to determine the efficacy of topical aloevera for the treatment of burn wounds. Four studies with a total of 371 patients were included in this review. Based on a meta-analysis using duration of wound healing as an outcome measure, the summary weighted mean difference in healing time of the aloevera group was 8.79 days shorter than those in the control group(p=0). The review was reported in the journal Burns.

Vaidya Aravind T.V