Saturday, June 27, 2009

pregnency diet



Good nutrition is important during pregnancy, with food quality being much more important than food quantity. A healthy diet will help your baby develop and grow and will help to keep you fit and well. You do not need a special diet just a good variety of foods. Your baby depends on you for all its food from the moment it is conceived.
You certainly do not need to eat for two. Most of the women do not eat extra calories if they are already taking a balanced diet.
The most common cause for medical concern in pregnancy is excessive weight. This can lead to possible complications during pregnancy and may cause obesity after birth.
The best way to make sure you are having enough calories is to monitor your weight gain. You can safely cut down on sugary foods like sweets, chocolates, aerated drinks etc. which gives you empty calories and may increase your weight.
You can also cut down on fatty foods such as fried items, cream, oil etc. take care with the amount of oil you use in of oil you use in your cooking.
Fresh fruits and vegetables are important for minerals and vitamins, try to eat a variety of both fruits and vegetables daily.
You also need some protein food eg. Lean meat, poultry, fish, chese,eggs, beans and lentils, nuts, etc.
Milk is an excellent food during pregnancy. Since it contains the calcium needed for the baby’s bone. But it is also high in calories and too much milk may lead to weight problems.
Plenty of fluid should be taken, 2.5 litres or more a day.
Green leafy vegetables and liver are excellent sources of iron which is essential for proper blood formation.
Small and frequent feedings should be taken. Avoid fasting or missing any meal.
More fibre should be included in the diet to prevent constipation which is a common problem during pregnengy.5-6 servings of fruits and vegetables should be included in the daily diet.
Diet should be rich in calcium to prevent osteomalacia. Calcium supplements may also be taken.
Inclusion of green leafy vegetables ensures minerals like calcium and iron.
Plenty of water should be taken to keep the bowels regular.
Fluids should be taken between meals rather than along with the meals.

The following factors can influence the mental faculty of the child:

Mental status of parents.
The sound (music) heard repeatedly by the pregnant women.
Actions performed by the embryo in his/her previous and
Frequent desire for a particular type of mental faculty by the progeny in his previous life.

When a man and women co-habitate after purifying their bodies according to the methods prescribed above, the unimpaired sperm unite with the unimpaired ovum in the unimpaired womb lying within the unimpaired body. Then this will definitely results in the formation of healthy embryo.

Measures which will help in the maintenance of pregnancy

Once the pregnancy is confirmed, it is very important that the pregnant women should be in a very relaxed mental status till she deliver the child and should strictly avoid the following.

Resorting to seats which are uncomfortable, irregular or high.
Retention or controlling of natural urges of flatus, urine and defecation etc…
Resorting to difficult and unsuitable exercises.
Intake of sharp and hard food, or food in excessive quantity and in less quantity.

The above will results either death or abortion.
Injury or pressure frequently.
Frequently looking inside the deep walls and place of water wall.
Travelling which is excessively and uncomfortable.
Hearing of unendearing sounds in excess.

The above will results in abortion.

Constantly sleeping in her back – by this the umbilical cord attached to the umbilical of the foetus gets twisted around the neck.
Sleeping in open air and moving at night alone causes autism.
Resorting to vocal abuses – this makes the progeny epileptic.
Habitually resorting to sexual intercourse – it makes the progeny physically ill – formed, shameless and subjugated to women.
Constantly given to grief – makes the child fearful, thin and short lived.
Thinking ill of others – makes the offspring antisocial, anxious, and subjugated to women.
Resorting to anger – this makes the child jealous, deceitful and fearful.
Constantly given to sleep – makes the child drowsy, dull and defection in digestive power.
Stealing (others property) – this makes the offspring exceeding lazy, malicious and of inactive disposition.
Addiction to wine – will make the child constantly thirsty, short of memory and fickle minded.
Addiction to pork – redness in the eyes, sudden obstruction of respiration and excessive roughness of the hair.
Addiction to fish – delayed closure or non-closure of eyes.
Addiction to sweet things - diabetes, obesity and less intelligent.
Addiction to sour things – disease of skin and eyes.
Addiction to salt things – premature wrinkles in the skin, graying of hair and boldness.
Addiction to pungent things – weak, deficient in semen or issueless.
Addiction to bitter things – weak and emaciated.
Addiction to astringent things – gray in complexion and constipated.

To maintain a healthy pregnancy, the above methods are to be avoided and follow the following measures.

Care during pregnancy

Weight gain: During the complete pregnancy should be on the order of 20% or less of pregnancy weight. A woman who weighs 100 pounds should gain about 20 pounds during pregnancy. An under weight women may be allow to gain more. Weight gain is not “all baby” the average baby weighs about 7 pounds. The placenta or after birth weighs 1 pound. Amniotic fluid which surround the baby weighs about a pound and half. Increased size of uterus accounts for 2 pounds, increased amount of blood in the body is about 2 pounds, and increased breast size results in another pound. About another 10 pound are accumulated over the entire body as fluid and fat. Any additional increase in weight is disadvantagious, impedes moving about in the last month of pregnancy, and makes the delivery more difficult.

Diet: The average diet in Malaysia is quite adequate during pregnancy. Pregnant women should avoid foods of high fat content, spicy food such as pickles and food such as cauliflower, cabbage and baked beans that produces a lot of gas. In general her diet should include.

For breakfast - milk, fresh fruit, orange juice, toast.
For lunch – rice in small quantity, steamed vegetables, fruits and milk.
For dinner – may include clear soup, baked potatoes, chapati’s, leafy vegetable and fruits.

Ideally vegetarian food and milk are the best, because this will give a good satisfactory mental attitude of child. But if you wish to include, she can have one portion of broiled meat a day, 1 egg and 3 glasses of milk. 2 – 3 glasses of milk will satisfy all requirements of calcium and mineral necessary for building the infants skeleton.

Bowel function

Diarrhea is undesirable because it is debilitating and may interfere with nutrition if prolonged. An occasional loose stool is not necessarily diarrhea. Light rice porridge with selected vegetables like green gram and arrow root powder can be used for mild diarrhea, but if the diarrhea is severe there should be no hesitation in using medicine to control it.

Constipation is almost universal during pregnancy. The simplest way of treating it is by liberal use of fruit juices, particularly prune, apricot and orange juice.

Nausea and vomiting appear in most pregnancies during the first 3 months. The nausea subside after the third missed period. Women should complaint about this nausea to their physician, who can assure them that it is related only to changes in the body associated with early pregnancy.

Eating steamed food in small amount less spices and avoiding deep fried, dried foods will control nausea. Dried crackers, or rye bread may be helpful in the morning. Frequently nausea is made worse by late rising and a rush to get to one’s job. Relaxation and unhurried movements in the morning tend to minimize the nausea.

Heart burn or burning pain in the area just below the ribs is frequent in the middle and the later month of pregnancy. It is probably due to changes in the position of the stomach, related to the enlargement of the uterus, and to changes in the acidity of the stomach. A quarter of a glass of milk will reduce the heart burn. It is better to avoid bicarbonate soda, because although it will relieve heart burn’s it can produce swelling of the entire body.

Spell of shortness of breath frequently occur in the later month of pregnancy from pressure of the enlarging womb upon the diaphragm. This is not related to any disease of lungs. Proping up the patient on 2 – 3 pillows frequently help.

Flatulence or internal gas. Commonly occur in pregnancy, the intestines are merely slowly down due to the affects of hormones produced by the pregnancy. Discomfort can be reduced by not consuming gas – forming foods.

Muscle cramps are frequent, particularly in the lower extremities about the calves and thighs. There are associated with changes in the mineral content of the muscles during pregnancy. Medicated oil application on the legs and reducing intake of milk for a week may reduce the cramps.

Back pain commonly occurs from changes induced by pregnancy. All the ligaments attached to bone become softened. The protruding abdomen and weakened abdominal muscles affect the posture or “stance” of the pregnant women.

Generally, the disturbing back pain can be lessened by good standing posture and siting on hard well shaped chairs rather than soft cushioned couches or chairs. The bed should have hard mattress, perhaps even a board placed under the mattress. Driving should be avoided if there is backache. A light well-fitted supporting garments may be used to improve posture in walk and siting. Local application of medicated oils has shown good level of comfort for the backache.

Sleeping habits of the pregnant women may be upset. Emotional factors, such as worrying that something is wrong with the baby, that the baby is not moving, may keep her from falling asleep readily. Reassurance is important and worries should be talked out with the partner or doctor. Sleeping as well as breathing is easier in last month of pregnancy if 2 or 3 pillows are used to prop up the patient. It is always wise not to eat too late in the evening or eat too large a meal. Medicated oil application advised by Ayurveda from sixth month will enhance sleep.

Faintness: Pregnant women may get – light faced and possibly faint at least once during her pregnancy. If a fainting spell comes on, lie down or bend the head down between the legs and dizziness and faintness will subside quickly. Some women worry that they will “pass out” while driving car. However it is wise not to drive car alone, premonitory sensations give a chance to pull over the car to the side of the road and lie down with the head bend at seat level. Carry some sugar or pieces of hard candy, chew on this, and dizziness and faintness will usually disappear. Fainting spells are at their maximum between the third and sixth month of pregnancy and rarely occur later.

Vericose vain often appear in pregnancy. The simplest way to prevent worsening of the varicosity is not to use constricting socks. When resting, elevate the leg on another chair or couch. If the veins are extensive, apply some medicated oils from hip down which will increase the circulation. Surgery for removal of varicose vain is usually not recommended during pregnancy.

Hemorrhoids are quite common during pregnancy. Hemorrhoids are large veins about the opening of the rectum. Increased pressure of the enlarging abdomen and uterus tends to over-distand these veins. They may protrude outside the anus and be aggravated by hard or infrequent bowel movements. These are best treated by additional rest during the day and warm hip bath with herbal powder of Thriphala Choornam (3 myrobelans). Also it is very important to avoid spicy, oily and hot things from the diet.

Vaginal discharge is quite frequent during pregnancy. Moisture about the vaginal tends to increase as pregnancy progresses towards the time of delivery. There are 2 common causes for abnormal discharge. Unclean environment causes fungus to develop and cause white discharge. The other infection causes a foamy, bubbly discharge produced by parasites. Here treatment should be given orally with herbal decoction to eradicate the infection.

Vaginal bleeding is quite frequently encountered during pregnancy. At the time of the first missed period, some staining and slight bleeding may be related to implantation of the fertilized egg in the wall of uterus. This bleeding usually subsides in several days. If bleeding progresses it may be a threatened abortion and the physician should be informed. Occasionally bleeding is caused by intercourse.

Exercise is restricted during pregnancy at the first 3 months. Walking for a mile or doing some housework is beneficial. Dancing, vigorous exercises, tennis, swimming and golfing should be avoided. More strongest activity which are hazardous are fraught with tumbles such as ice skating, skiing, horse back riding, driving, aqua-lunging and water skiing are to be avoided during pregnancy. Every patient is an individual, and the type of the exercise good for her should be discussed with physician. Travelling long distance should be avoided.

Measures and medicines to be given from the first month till the delivery

First trimester (first 3 months)


During the first 3 months the uterus enlarges to about 3 times its non-pregnancy size. This places it approximately at the pelvic brim so that it is usually not palpable (perceptible by touch) in the abdomen. Bleeding of some severity is the most frequent usual feature of the first 3 months. About 20% of women will strain or have a blood smudge on their underwear for 1 to 3 days. Usually this is “implantation bleeding” as the fertilized egg rests into the uterine wall after its descent down the fallopian tube, where fertilization occurs. Implantation usually occurs about 3 weeks after the last menstrual period. At this stage the developing egg is barely visible by the naked eye, about the size of the point of a sharp pencil.

No further bleeding may occur, but if the bleeding continues, with some slight cramps, there is threaten abortion with survival of the foetus in precarious balance. If cramps become severe and rhythmical, similar to labor contraction, bleeding become profuse and on vaginal examination the doctor finds the neck of the uterus opening up, the condition is described as inevitable abortion.

The embryo, a mere pinpoint in size at the beginning of the first trimester, grows to a length of some 3 inches and a weight of 1 ounce by the end of 3 month. During this time, all of the vital organs – heart lung, intestine, brain, eyes, ears and skeleton – are formed. It is at the crucial period when some women do not even know that they are pregnant, that outside insults such as drugs and illnesses of the mother can inflict disaster on the foetus. Once the basic structure are developed the foetus is some what better and able to fend off the insults of its environment.

Ayurveda advises more care for the first 3 months to avoid threatened abortion inevitable abortion or even ectopic pregnancy by special regiments, medications and diet. These regiments and food combination will help the foetus to grow better. The medications and herbal combination have the quality to improve the strength of all organ of the foetus. All medications given during the first 3 months are based with milk, ghee and honey, which will ensure that the skeleton, the brain, heart, eyes and the intestine are strengthened. During this period apart from avoiding all the, she should rest the maximum.


Good amount of milk regularly

This milk need not be boiled with anything and should be taken when it is at room temperature. She should take wholesome food morning and evening. It is better to avoid non-vegetarian food in excessive quantity.

Second trimester (4, 5, 6months)

The second trimester is the most peaceful time of pregnancy with fewest complication.


From a length of 3 inches and a weight of l ounce, the foetus grows to some inches and a weight of 2¼ ounce at the end of the second trimester. The accommodation of uterus enlarges steadily to an edge to 2½ inches above the naval. Movements of the uterus (“quickening”) become noticeable at about 20 weeks or midway in the second trimester. Usually at this time the physician can hear the foetus heart beat. The mothers weight gain is most rapid during these 3 months, averaging close to a pound a week.

Premature labor

The greatest hazard of this trimester is premature labor and delivery. Premature birth in second trimester ends unhappily with death of the infant 9 times out of 10.

Ayurveda recommends special diet, regiments and special combinations of herbs to avoid any such complications. The food recommended is light and easily digestible with medicated cow’s ghee. Medicated cow’s ghee increase the appetite and control Vata – which will give more flatulence and disturb the growth. The special combinations of herbs – are used in decoction form made with milk. This is given once a day at small quantity.

Third trimester (7,8,9months)

The last month of pregnancy are naturally subject to some increase in discomfort. The infant grows from a little 1 – 2 pounds to 7 pounds, on the average and the uterus gradually continuos to enlarge. There is constant activity of the wombs occupant, most noticeable to hostess when she is inactive and most sensitive to internal gyrations, as when siting, or just before going to bed, or waiting for traffic light to change when driving. Abnormal bleeding again always something to report immediately to the doctor. There are 2 principle cause of such bleeding in the last trimester, and both arise from abnormalities that involve the placenta or after birth. Each occurs in about 1 out of 250 pregnancies.

Here the placenta may be implanted directly over the outlet of the womb, or it may be attached to the margin of the outlet or slightly higher on the uterine wall. As the neck of the uterus open towards the end of pregnancy, a destruction of the placenta and uterine structure causes bleeding. The characteristic symptom is painless virginal bleeding. Bed rest in the hospital is usually compulsory. Since every week of maturity counts heavily in the babies favor, delivery is usually delayed until about the onset of the 9th month with careful management, the outcome is usually happy for mother an baby. Ayurveda advises the following care during the last 3 months, to avoid the above complication and prepare the mother and baby for a healthy delivery.
She should be made to drink 12 gram of butter boiled with certain selected drugs.
Her body should be anointed with medicated oils.
She should be bathed with medicated water.

The ingredient of food should be sweet in taste and they should be able to control Vata. The food should be taken in small quantity without adding fat and less salt. Water in small quantity should be used after every meal.

Especially at the 8th month she should regularly take milk and gruel added with ghee. But doing this, the mother her self keep in good health and give birth to a child endowed with excellence of health, complexion, voice and compactness. Along with the care for the food she is advised to have regular medicated oil application once in a week in the 7th month, twice in a week at the 8th month and everyday for 9th month till delivery. During the 9th month cotton swabs soaked in medicated oil should be kept over the lower abdomen for the oleation of uterus and genital tract. The above procedure in the last month will help in the following.

Softening of placenta – which will help in preventing implantation of placenta around the neck of baby and abnormal bleeding.
Softening of pelvis, waist, sides of the chest and back.
Prevents backache after delivery.
Downward movement of Vata.
Normalization of the urine and stool and its elimination with ease.
Promotion of strength and complexion.
Delivery with ease.

Labor and delivery

As pregnancy nears its end, there is natural concern about getting to the hospital in time and recognizing the signs of imminent. During the final weeks of pregnancy (38 – 40) there is frequently no increase in weight. Even baby may seem to be preparing for its advent by some reducing of its activity.

The patient may notice an increase sense of well being, less discomfort from having weight of the uterus, and more energy for usual house hold activities. The following signs indicate the approach of the time of the delivery.

Exhaustion of the limbs.
Feeling of depression in the face.
Looseness in the eyes.
Feeling in the chest as if a knot is being untied.
Feeling as if something coming down from the uterus.
Heaviness in the lower part of the body.
Pain in the groin, region of bladder, pelvic, sides of the chest and back.
Loss of appetite.
Showing pink or reddish discharge known as show.
Mild fleeting, irregular uterine contractions coming every 10 or 15 minutes or so and lasting 10 or 15 seconds may be noted. Most women do not notice this mild contractions but some feel slight pain or occasional associated with mild, transient low backache. If contractions come more frequently and last for 30 seconds, the physician should be notified. It is advisable that neither fluid or solid food be taken once labor has began.

A women about to go into labor often notices the discharge of a mucus plug. This plug extrudes from the small remnant of the cervical canal which remains at the onset of labor, and when it is passed the surface of the fetal membrane is in direct contact with vagina. Also at the onset of labor, there may be a discharge of clean watery material, which does not indicate rupture of the membrane, but that rupture is imminent. A small amount of reddish or pink discharge known as “show” frequently indicates onset of labor.

Though contraction at 10 minutes interval are a warning to inform the physician, the beginning of labor is measured from the onset of contraction which occur at 5 months interval and last at least for 30 seconds. In general a women whose office examination have been normal can wait at home until 30 second contraction occur every 5 or 6 months. However if she has given birth before, it is advisable to have her in hospital when contractions occur at 10 minutes interval.


This simple touch massage movements can help to relieve many of the stresses and discomforts of pregnancy. During pregnancy massage of the stomach and abdomen area is excluded. Only side of the breasts are massaged slowly and gently.
For pregnant women massage should be given very carefully and it should be done a long as women desires. If proper massage is given to a pregnant women, it ensures painless delivery. After delivery too, massage is must up to 40 days after the 4th day of delivery. Back massage is particularly welcome during labour. After about 4th month of pregnancy it becomes uncomfortable to lie on the stomach so massage is done in the sitting position, for this give very gentle strokes and pressure to the entire spinal cord and back to relive stress and stiffness. The basic oil massage is modified in various ways to take account of the pregnant condition.
· Keep strokes lighter than usual
· In addition to the steps suggested, you can in corporate a fascial and gentle breast massage.
· It is particularly important to observe the rest period after the massage.

In the name of Ayurveda
Vaidya Aravind

1 comment:

  1. very detailed information. short and brief would be good. this blog seems to be very informative regarding ayurveda.
