Tuesday, December 15, 2009
I am happy to inform and invite you to my website http://www.ayurdharshini.com/
In the name of Ayurveda
Vaidya Aravind T.V
Saturday, November 28, 2009
ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS (AS) is a form of chronic inflammation of the spine and the sacroiliac joints. Chronic inflammation in these areas causes pain and stiffness in and around the spine. Over time, chronic spinal inflammation can lead to a complete cementing together (fusion) of the vertebrae, a process referred to as ankylosis. Ankylosis leads to loss of mobility of the spine and the condition known as bamboo spine.
The most common presenting symptom is low back pain. Usually, pain is centered over the sacrum and may radiate to the groin and buttocks and down the legs. The typical patient is a young man who has repeated episodes of back pain waking him at night and associated with spinal stiffness in the morning. Low back pain persists, even at rest. With time, back pain progresses up the spine and affects the rib cage. Chest expansion becomes restricted with involvement of the costovertebral joints. The cervical spine is ankylosed late in the course of the disease, leading to restriction in neck movement and head rotation. Eventually, the spine is completely rigid, with loss of the normal curvatures and movement.
Men are affected more than women by a ratio about of 3:1. Ankylosing Spondylitis can also be associated with ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, psoriasis, and Reiter's disease.
Ayurveda offers excellent therapies for managing Ankylosing spondylitis. The strength of Ayurveda in the area of spine and joint treatments is globally appreciated. Since it addresses the root cause of the issue the results are fantastic.
At CHINMAYA AYUR CENTRE,we offer a very effective treatment methodology based on the classical texts of Ayurveda. The treatment comprises of Detoxification, rejuvenation through Ayurvedic Panchakarma therapy along with the administration of researched medicines internally.
Initial treatment requires around 45 - 60 days of Panchakarma therapy along with diet and life style modification. After this phase only internal medicines are continued.
If patient can come for the treatment in early stages, management of the disease will be much better..
centre for panchakarma and rejuvination therapy
Vinayak Nagar 1st Cross, 1st main,
Behind Akkamahadevi Kalyana Mantapa
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Therapeutic uses of Honey
The FAO Codex Alimentarius Commission defines honey as ‘the natural sweet substance produced by honeybees from the nectar of flowers or from secretions coming from living organisms feeding on plants, that bees gather, transform and combine with specific ingredients, store and leave to ripen in the combs of the hive.’
In Ayurveda honey is called as "Madhu". Its qualities are explained as follows.
"Vaatalam guru sheetam cha raktapittakaphapaham Sandhatru cchedanam ruksham kashayam madhuram madhu "
"It has sweetness (madhura rasa) with added astringent as end taste (Kashaya anu rasa). It is heavy (guru guna), dry (ruksha) and cold (sheeta). Its effect on doshas is as follows: It aggravates vata, scrapes kapha and normalizes pitta and rakta. It promotes healing process."
The contents of Honey are :
1. Sugars like fructose, glucose, sucrose, maltose, lactose and other disaccharides and trisaccharides.
2. Proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, enzymes and amino acids,
3. Volatile aromatic substances.
4. Ashes and water etc.
Various ingredients of honey have helped it to become not only a sweet liquid but also a natural product with high nutritional and medicinal value.
The medicinal quality, taste, texture, color, aroma of honey differs according to the geographical area and the species of plants from which it has been collected.
Types of Honey:
Eight types of honey are described in Ayurveda depending on the type of bee which collects it. They are Pouttika, Bhramara, Kshoudra, Makshika, Chatra, Arghya, Oudalaka and Dala.
Pouttika This honey is collected by very large bees from the nectar of poisonous flowers. It increases vata, causes gout and burning sensation in chest. It is also sedative and reduces fat.
Bhramara This honey is collected by large bees and Sticky in nature.
Kshoudra (Honey collected by medium sized honey bees ) light and cold in nature. Dissolves Kapha.
Makshika (Honey collected by small honey bees) very light and dry natured. Useful in Vata-Kapha diseases and kapha diseases.
Chatra Heavy and cold in nature useful in gout, Leucoderma (Shwitra).
Arghya Good for eyes but causes arthritis.
Oudalaka Useful in skin diseases, and helps in modulation of voice.
Dala Dry and reduces vomiting.
Amongst all the above "Makshika" is considered as the best type with immense medicinal properties.
Therapeutic uses of Honey:
· As it contains sugars which are quickly absorbed by our digestive system and converted into energy, this can be used as instant energizer.
· As it is hygroscopic it speeds up healing, growth of healing tissue and dries it up.
· Honey acts as a sedative and is very useful in bed wetting disorders.
· Honey is very good anti-oxidant which restores the damaged skin and gives soft, young looks.
· Honey has antibacterial properties due to its acidic nature and enzymically produced hydrogen peroxide.
· Constant use of honey strengthens the white blood corpuscles to fight bacteria and viral diseases.
In Ashtanga Hridaya the great classic of Ayurveda, the therapeutic uses of honey are explained as follows:
"Chakshushayam Chedi tritshleshmavishahidmaasrapittanut Mehakushtakrimicchardishwaasakaasaatisaarajit Vranashodhana sandhaanaropanam vaatalam madhu "
· Honey is very good for eyes and eye sight.
· It quenches thirst.
· Dissolves kapha.
· Reduces effects of poison.
· Stops hiccups.
· It is very useful in urinary tract disorders, worm infestations, bronchial asthma, cough, diarrhea and nausea -vomiting.
· Cleanse the wounds.
· It heals wounds.
· Helps in quick healing of deep wounds.
· Initiates growth of healthy granulation tissue.
· Honey which is newly collected from bee hive increases body weight and is a mild laxative.
· Honey which is stored and is old helps in metabolism of fat and scrapes Kapha.
Ayurveda explains another special quality of honey. Honey is called as "Yogavahi" . The substance which has a quality of penetrating the deepest tissue is called as Yogavahi. When honey is used with other herbal preparations it enhances the medicinal qualities of those preparations and also helps them to reach the deeper tissues.
Precautions to be taken before using honey:
· Honey should not be mixed with hot foods.
· Honey should not be heated.
· Honey should not be consumed when you are working in hot environment where you are exposed to more heat.
· Honey should never be mixed with rain water, hot and spicy foods, and Fermented beverages like whisky, rum, brandy etc, Ghee and mustard.
· Honey includes nectar of various flowers of which some may be poisonous.
· Poison has hot or Ushna qualities.
· When honey is mixed with hot and spicy foods the poisonous properties get enhanced and cause imbalance of doshas.
Few Home remedies with HoneyMix 2 tea spoon of honey with carrot juice and consume regularly. This helps to improve eyesight and is very helpful for those who sit before computer for long hours.
In cold, cough and congested chest mix 2 tea spoons of honey with equal quantity of ginger juice and should be consumed frequently.
A mixture of black pepper powder, honey and ginger juice in equal quantities, when consumed thrice daily help to relieve the symptoms of asthma.
Regular use of one tea spoon of garlic juice mixed with two tea spoons of honey help to control blood pressure.
One glass of warm water taken with two tea spoons of honey and 1 tea spoon of lemon juice in early morning reduces fat and purifies blood.
Consuming one spoon of honey daily help us to lead a healthy long life.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Quantity of Semen
Numerous glands present in testicles, epididymes, Seminal vesicles, Prostate gland, Bulbourethral and urethral glands secrete the liquid portion of semen or seminal plasma.
The quantity of ejaculated semen will be more when there is a prolonged abstinence. The quantity of semen will be less when there are very frequent ejaculations.
If the quantity of semen is less than 1.5 ml constantly then the condition is called as hypospermia.
If the quantity of sperm is more than 6ml constantly then the condition is known as hyperspermia.
Colour of Semen
The normal semen is grey or white in color. If the color of semen is yellowish or red or pink , it suggests the presence of some
pathology in urinogenital system. Hence men with red or yellowish semen should immediately seek the advice of family physician.
Semen Clotting and Liquefication time
Semen clots immediately after ejaculation. It will liquefy again in 5 - 40 minutes. When semen fails to clot and liquefy subsequently, then it indicates fertility problems.
In ayurveda while describing the unhealthy semen it has been said that -
vata pitta shleshma shonitha kunapa granthi pooti pooya ksheena mutra purisharetasaha prajotpadane na samartha bhavanti"
The semen which is affected by vata, pitta, kapha and rakta will
have many features like foul odor or clotted or mixed with pus or less in quantity. And such semen lacks the capacity to produce children.
At least there must be 20 million sperms per ml of semen. The total number of sperms should be at least 40 million. 75% of the sperms should be alive. 30% of sperms should be of normal shape and form. 25% of sperms should swim rapidly with forward movement.
Sperm count indicates the fertilizing capacity.
When the sperm count is below normal (low sperm count) the condition is called as "oligospermia"
When there are no sperms in semen then the condition is known as "azoospermia."
Infected semen
Heat – (Heat reduces sperm production. Hence the testicles are outside body in the scrotum to escape from body heat. Hence tight underpants, bathing in very hot water, sitting for long hours, over weight in which fat layers sag on testicles reduce sperm count)
Very frequent semen ejaculation also lead to lowered sperm count and man may become effectively infertile. Hence maintaining a gap of 3 days between two consecutive ejaculations keeps a man more fertile.
Excessive alcohol intake.
Over exertion physically and mentally
Infections present in prostate gland.
Malformed genital organs.
Toxic pollutants
Zinc deficiency
Anabolic steroid use .
Refrain from habits like smoking, alcohol consumption etc.
Keep your mind and body healthy by regular practice of YOGA and MEDITATION.
Exercise regularly.
Maintain a gap of 3 days between two consecutive ejaculations.
Favor sweets, milk and milk products.
Add recipes which contain urad dal .
Add little ghee to your food before consuming.
Avoid bitter, astringent and spicy foods.
Avoid heating of testicles.
Massage body with herbal oil, which improves blood circulation.
Increase quality of semen.
Increase quantity of semen.
Increase libido .
Produce many healthy offspring.
Rejuvenates the body
Gives young look.
Gives energy and strength to body.
Develops immunity to diseases .
Increase sperm count
Increase sperm motility
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
In charaka samhita while defining 'Ahara', it has been mentioned that the food be appealing to the mind first.
When the individual is happy and cheerful, he eats properly and also whatever food is consumed gets digested properly.
When the individual is afflictedwith grief, fear or other mental disturbances then even if the wholesome food is taken in proper quantity and it does not get properly digested.
Love and affection of the family and relatives, assurances of elderly persons and healthy and cheerful atmosphere at work place, home or at hospital are important factors for getting benifits of the consumed food or medication.Hence it is important to remain cheerful and happy.
in the name of Ayurveda
Vaidya Aravind T.V
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Friday, October 2, 2009
Hemorrhoids (piles)
Sitting for a long duration on hard surface. Eating dry food. Smoking. Putting pressure during defecation. Eating Non-Vegetarian food. Consumption of canned food. Afternoon nap (diseased, aged and children are exempted). Eating stale food. Anal coitus. Usage of Sesame and Mustard.
Do the following things...
Drink lot of water (avg 5 lts /day).
Consume green leafy vegetables and fruits which add roughage.
Sleep well in nights.
Maintain Oral and Anal hygiene.
Reduce weight.
Ayur remedies for piles
Sitz bath :-
Boil "thriphala choorna" or grated radish in water and pour this water in a tub. Take sitz bath when water is tolerably hot.
Medicinal liquids :-
Add dry ginger powder and jaggery to pomegranate juice and drink twice daily.
Mix 1/2 glass of sour pomegranate juice,2 tsp of ginger juice,2tsp jaggery and 1/2 cup of buttermilk. This has to be consumed twice daily.
Buttermilk should be used at least twice daily.
vaidya Aravind T.V
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
First Circular
Ayurveda, the science of life accomplishes physical, mental, social and spiritual well being by adopting preventive & promotive measures with its holistic approach. Gujarat Ayurved University, developed from an Ayurvedic college (established by Gulabkunwarba Ayurvedic Society 1944), CIRISM & PGTCA (established by Govt, of India in 1952 & 1956 respectively) by an Act of Gujarat State in 1967, is committed to promote and propagate Ayurveda by way of education, research and providing treatment for human sufferings. Apart from Undergraduate education, University is conducting Post Graduate education in different subjects of Ayurveda and a high level clinical and experimental research in the field. The Post Graduate Centre became an integral part of Gujarat Ayurved university after its formation and was named as Institute of Post Graduate Teaching and Research in Ayurveda (I.P.G.T.& R.A.).
University offers various short term & long term Courses for Indians as well as foreign nationals in Ayurveda, Ayurvedic pharmaceuticals, Ayurvedic Medicinal Plant Sciences and Yoga & Naturopathy. University has MoU with Eight international institutions from various parts of the world for the propagation of Ayurveda globally. At present more than 50 international students are studying in various courses at the University. I.P.G.T. & R.A. is also working as a nodal agency for various W.H.O. training programmes. Recently I.P.G.T.& R.A. has been recognized by Dept of AYUSH as a National Pharmacovigilance Resource Centre for Ayurveda.
University has successfully organized five International Conferences in past in which huge participation was witnessed from the country as well as foreign delegates. These conferences have contributed remarkably for the validation and updating of the science of Ayurveda as evidence based medical system and also facilitated the propagation of Ayurveda globally.
In recent years significant increase has been reported in the elderly population all over the world due to improvement in management of diseases resulting declining death rate. This has increased the social and financial burden for the management of the Geriatric diseases. This trend demands focus on development of newer health care strategies for elderly people particularly for the age related diseases like loco motor disabilities, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, degenerative disorders, geriatric urinary disorders, cancer etc.
Ayurveda is known for its holistic approach in healthcare management, particularly of elderly persons. Dept of AYUSH, Govt, of India has already initiated a National Campaign on Geriatric health care through Ayurveda. Realizing the intensity of the problem, university is intended to organize 6th International Conference at Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar on "Updates on Ayurvedic Geriatric Management" during Jan 22-24,2010. The objective of this seminar is to create a data base of scientific researches in Ayurveda and awareness among Ayurvedic physicians regarding the problems of aging. It will provide a common platform for a deep insight in the challenges and solutions of the Geriatric Health Care.
The Seminar
The deliberations of the seminar comprises:
1) Plenary Sessions, 2) Guest Lectures, 3) Key Note Lectures, 4) Invited free scientific papers.
Scientific papers are invited on the following topics:
Role of Ayurveda in prevention and management of aging
Problems and Management of Shalakya disorders in aged persons
Management of Shalya disorders in aged Persons
Management of Problems of aging woman
Role of Panchakarma in prevention and management of aging
Rasayana therapy and its role in prevention and management of aging
Vajikaran and its role in aging management
Mental disorders in elderly persons
Neuro-Musculo-Skeletal disorders of elderly Persons
Experimental studies on prevention and management of aging
Concept of Prakriti (Ayu-genomics) in prevention and management of aging
Useful drugs in prevention and management of aging
Role of Rasa Aushadhi in prevention and management of aging
Research papers are invited from scholars of Ayurveda and allied disciplines. Last date for submission of abstract is 30 August 2009 and abstract along with full paper should reach the organizing secretary by 15'" September, 2009. The Scientific Review Committees decision with regard to the selection of papers for presentation will be final. The selected papers will be published in the souvenir which will be released in the conference. Papers of the registered delegates only will be accepted. The Language of the paper and presentation will be English. Best paper presentation awards will also be awarded.
Instructions for submission of paper:
The abstracts in English may be submitted by e-mail on geriatrics2010@ayurveduniversity.com Hard copy along with soft copy (in CD) should be sent by post.
The Script should be printed on A4 size paper confirming the following specifications: Abstract word limit is 150 words, Word limit for full text of the paper 2000 words, Font Type: Times New Roman, Font Size: 12, Line Spacing 1.5, Margins: Left 1.5 and other 1, Photos - colored JPEG, images not more than 2, Tables: appropriate number in roman numerical i.e. I, II and so on and with the title. Figures and graphs limited to essentials, not exceeding 4, size 70x100 numbers in Arabic e.g. fig 1, fig 2, and so on.
Content Specification: Title, Name, Designation, department, postal address with pin code and e mail of Corresponding author. Names and departments of other authors. Abstract not to exceed 300 words, Key Words 2 or 3 only. Introduction, Aim and objectives, Materials and methods, Result with statistical analysis and discussion, Conclusion, Reference should be arranged in the order of appearance at the end of the script. These should be in Arabic Numbers i.e., 1,2,3,Exhibition : An exhibition for Ayurvedic pharmaceutical, cosmetic, diet supplements and health care products, Panchakarma and other teaching material will also be organized with wide participation from Ayurvedic drug industry.
Registration : The registration form is available on website of the university. Duly filled registration form should reach to the Organizing Secretary by 30'" November, 2009 with requisite registration fee.
Registration Fee
Upto Nov.30,2009
After Nov. 30, 2009
Indian Delegates
Rs. 600.00
Rs. 800.00
Accompanying Persons
Rs. 400.00
Rs. 500.00
P.G. Students
Rs. 300.00
Rs. 400.00
Foreign Delegates
US$ 100
Accompanying Persons
US$ 50
SAARC and Neighboring Countries
Industrial representatives
Rs. 2000.00
Rs. 2500.00
Privilege :- Registration fee includes Seminar material, free dormitory accommodation, lunch, dinner, breakfast etc. during seminar days. However, those interested to opt for hotel accommodation, the same will be made available on payment basis. The request should be received before November 30,2009.
Payment- Registration fee may be remitted by a bank draft drawn in favour of Director, I.P.G.T & R.A., Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar payable at Jamnagar.
About the place: Jamnagar is situated on the west coast of India in the State of Gujarat and well connected by Rail & Road to all parts of India. It is also connected by air from Mumbai. Weather will be pleasant with temperature around 15°c - 20°c.
Large number of delegates from different parts of the country and abroad are expected to participate in the seminar. An early confirmation of your participation is solicited.
Prof. M.S. Baghel
Address for all communications: Dr. Anup Thakar, Organizing Secretary, Sushruta Bhavan, Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar-361008, Gujarat (India) Ph : + 91 288 2552014 Fax : 91 288 2676856 Email: geriatrics2010@ayurueduniversity.com For updates Visit: www.ayurveduniversity.edu.in
Role of ayurvedic drugs in osteoporotic fractures
Monday, September 21, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
Daily sex helps to reduce sperm DNA damage and improve fertility!
Daily sex (or ejaculating daily) for seven days improves men’s sperm quality by reducing the amount of DNA damage, according to an Australian study presented to the 25th annual meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology in Amsterdam.
Until now there has been no evidence-based consensus amongst fertility specialists as to whether or not men should refrain from sex for a few days before attempting to conceive with their partner, either spontaneously or via assisted reproduction. Dr David Greening, an obstetrician and gynaecologist with sub specialist training in reproductive endocrinology and infertility at Sydney IVF, Wollongong, Australia, said: “All that we knew was that intercourse on the day of ovulation offered the highest chance of pregnancy, but we did not know what was the best advice for the period leading up to ovulation or egg retrieval for IVF.
“I thought that frequent ejaculation might be a physiological mechanism to improve sperm DNA damage, while maintaining semen levels within the normal, fertile range.”
To investigate this hypothesis, Dr Greening studied 118 men who had higher than normal sperm DNA damage as indicated by a DNA Fragmentation Index (DFI). Men who had a more than 15% of their sperm (DFI >15%) damaged were eligible for the trial. At Sydney IVF, sperm DNA damage is defined as less than 15% DFI for excellent quality sperm, 15-24% DFI for good, 25-29% DFI for fair and more than 29% DFI for poor quality; but other laboratories can have slightly different ranges. The men were instructed to ejaculate daily for seven days, and no other treatment or lifestyle changes were suggested. Before they started, levels of DNA damage ranged between 15% and 98% DFI, with an average 34% DFI when measured after three days’ abstinence. When the men’s sperm was re-assessed on the seventh day, Dr Greening found that 96 men (81%) had an average 12% decrease in their sperm DNA damage, while 22 men (19%) and an average increase in damage of nearly 10%. The average for the whole group dropped to 26% DFI.
Dr Greening said: “Although the mean average was 26% which is in the ‘fair’ range for sperm quality, this included 18% of men whose sperm DNA damage increased as well as those whose DNA damage decreased. Amongst the men whose damage decreased, their average dropped by 12% to just under 23% DFI, which puts them in the ‘good’ range. Also, more men moved into the ‘good’ range and out of the ‘poor’ or ‘fair’ range. These changes were substantial and statistically highly significant. “In addition, we found that although frequent ejaculation decreased semen volume and sperm concentrations, it did not compromise sperm motility and, in fact, this rose slightly but significantly. “Further research is required to see whether the improvement in these men’s sperm quality translates into better pregnancy rates, but other, previous studies have shown the relationship between sperm DNA damage and pregnancy rates.
“The optimal number of days of ejaculation might be more or less than seven days, but a week appears manageable and favourable. It seems safe to conclude that couples with relatively normal semen parameters should have sex daily for up to a week before the ovulation date. In the context of assisted reproduction, this simple treatment may assist in improving sperm quality and ultimately achieving a pregnancy. In addition, these results may mean that men play a greater role in infertility than previously suspected, and that ejaculatory frequency is important for improving sperm quality, especially as men age and during assisted reproduction cycles.”
Dr Greening said he thought the reason why sperm quality improved with frequent ejaculation was because the sperm had a shorter exposure in the testicular ducts and epididymis to reactive oxygen species – very small molecules, high levels of which can damage cells. “The remainder of the men who had an increase in DFI might have a different explanation for their sperm DNA damage,” he concluded.
Provided by European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Bhringaraja Taila in Hair fall
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Sunburn Home Remedies
Aloe vera and sandalwood paste are natural sunscreen that safeguards the skin and keeps it cool.
Rehydrate your skin by drinking plenty of water & eat fruits like watermelons that have a high water content
A touch of rose water, lavender oil, or peppermint oil helps cool the skin
Dip a piece of cloth in water containing a few drops of vinegar to take the sting off sunburn.
One part of tomato juice mixed with six parts of buttermilk will make the sunburn heal quicker.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Monday, September 7, 2009
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Dr Dharmapal (MS Shalya Tantra) and Dr Aravind (Arogya Bharathi District Convenor) attended the camp and performed ksharakarma for 15 patients.
A girl age of 5 yrs hyad anal polyp and she was advised to visit centre in tumkur for the procedure.
in the name of Ayurveda
Dr Aravind T.V
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Useful tips for cardiac patients
- Exercise regularly - everyday if possible
- If you have not been physically active for sometime due to heart ailments no excercise programme should be undertaken before you consult a physician
- if your breathing grows short and you are perspiring heavily, you are putting too much strain on your body.you should always be able to breath through your nose while exercising.If you have to breath through your mouth stop it.
- Breathing with awareness, whether during meditation or exercise, is highly beneficial to your overall good health; so take every opportunity to focus on this vital activity.whenever you feel tired or under pressure breathing with intention and awarenesss can help both physically and emotionally.
- Practice Pranayama, Prana refers to the vital energy that animates all living things and breathing is the primary means of bringing that energy into the body.with this both the capacity if lungs and the volume of oxygen that passes into your blood with each breath also increases(oxygen poor blood is a major cause of irritation to coronary artery disease)
- Eat only when you are hungry and don't eat untill your last meal has been digested.
- Eat in quite, relaxed atmosphere.
- Don't eat when you are angry or nervous.
- Avoid Overeating
- Avoid cold foods and iced drinks
- Chew food thoroughly
- Take a few minutes to rest after you eat.
in the name of Ayurveda
Dr Aravind T.V
Free Medical camp
Dr Aravind T.V chief consultant physician Chinmaya Ayur centre and Dr Avinash, Physician Nisarga Ayur centre have done medical check up of 60 patients in camp. Free medicine was distributed.
Awareness talk was given by Dr Aravind on H1N1 in the camp.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
The main symptoms are - Headache, Fever, Soaring Throat, troublesome breathing, cough and body ache.
People showing flu like symptoms such as fever, cough, running nose and difficulty in breathing should be allowed to stay at home for a period of 7 to 10 days.
There is no need to worry a lot as the Swine flu is curable. As suggested by elders that prevention is better than cure, the following precautionery measures must be taken, to minimise the chances of getting infected with Swine flu;
1. People showing flu like symptoms such as fever, cough, running nose and difficulty in breathing should be allowed to stay at home for a period of 7 to 10 days and consult your nearest medical practitioner.
2. Avoid contact with the pigs (swine). If you have pigs in your area then please inform the local municipal office so that they can take care of those pigs by keeping them isolated.
3. Keep a distance of minimum 6 feet from people affected with Catarrh, Cough and Fever.
4. Swine flu is communicable disease, so use the face masks to protect from the swine flu antigens.
5. Cover your nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing, using one time dispoable tissue when possible.
6. Avoid shaking hands, embracing and visiting the congested places and also crowded places like theaters,this can be a cause of spreading ground for Swine flu.
7. Wash your hands frequently with soap or diluted water of dettol at least 6-8 times a day to reduce the spread of virus.
8. Instruct the above points to children as they may be victimised easily with the Swine flu.
9. Avoid eating outside food because it may be contaminated and may make you infected with the virus.
10. Don’t use the public urinals because many people spit there, which could lead to the spreading of the disease.
11. Use boiled water only to Drink.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Centre issues fresh guidelines on swine flu
The guidelines were finalised at a high-level meeting chaired by Health Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad [ Images ] on Friday night in connection with the various actions taken by the government for containment and mitigation of H1N1 cases across the country. During the meeting that lasted for more, than five hours till 10 pm on Friday night, the health minister also discussed various guidelines and protocols developed by the World Health Organisation in Geneva, the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control in Atlanta, United States and the National Health Service in United Kingdom.
The meeting was attended by eminent experts from public and private hospitals/organisations besides senior officers of the Health Ministry and the Directorate General of Health Services. As per guidelines, all individuals seeking consultation for flu-like symptoms would be screened at healthcare facilities -- both government and private -- or examined by a doctor and will be categorised broadly under three categories A, B and C depending on their health status, as per an official release. They will be given treatment and isolated as specified in the guidelines.
Patients with mild fever plus cough/sore throat with or without body ache, headache, diarrhoea and vomiting will be categorised as Category-A. They do not require Oseltamivir and should be treated for the symptoms mentioned above. The patients should be monitored for their progress and reassessed after 24 to 48 hours by the doctor. For this category, no testing of the patient for H1N1 is required.
Patients should confine themselves at home and avoid mixing up with public and high- risk members in the family. Category B has two subcategories. Category BI is for those patients who have high grade fever and severe sore throat, in addition to all the signs and symptoms mentioned under Category-A.
They may require home isolation and Oseltamivir. Category BII is for those, who in addition to all the signs and symptoms mentioned under Category-A, have one or more of the following high risk conditions like children less than five years old, pregnant women, persons aged 65 years or older, patients with lung diseases, heart disease, liver disease, kidney disease, blood disorders, diabetes, neurological disorders, cancer and HIV/AIDS, patients on long term cortisone therapy.
They shall be treated with Oseltamivir but no tests for H1N1 is required for Category-B (I) and (II). However, all patients of Category-B (I) and (II) should confine themselves at home and avoid mixing with public and high-risk members in the family.
Category C is for patients, who in addition to the above signs and symptoms of Category-A and B, have one or more of the following problems like breathlessness, chest pain, drowsiness, fall in blood pressure, sputum mixed with blood, bluish discolouration of nails, irritability among small children, refusal to accept food, worsening of underlying chronic conditions.
All these patients mentioned above in Category-C require testing, immediate hospitalisation and treatment. The release said that these guidelines will be reviewed and revised from time to time as per need and on the basis of the spread of the disease.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Docs sound alarm as pill becomes the preferred contraceptive among girls
This, gynaecologists say, reveals that these girls are not insisting on the use of condoms by their partners, significantly increasing the risk of contracting HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases.
Leading gynaecologist Dr Yash Bala says while several sexual partners seems to have become a norm with girls in the age group of 18 to 28 years, the heavy use of emergency contraceptive pills is adding fuel to the fire.
During their interaction with patients, doctors say, they find even girls between 15 to 16 years old are comfortably using emergency contraceptive pills.
"Girls are not concerned whether their partner uses condom. The use of i-pill has increased manifold. It's almost like girls are gulping i-pills," Dr Bala says. "Pre-marital sex seems to be more common than marital sex, and the number of unplanned pregnancies higher than planned pregnancies."
Dr Rachna Abrol, a gynaecologist, agrees that the use of i-pill among young girls is alarming. "It is supposed to be an emergency contraceptive pill, but my interaction with young patients reveals that girls are using it as a regular contraception tool."
"Some years ago, if a young girl came with complaints of irregular menstrual cycle, we would hesitate to ask her if she was sexually active. Now, this is among our first questions. And the answer is usually in the affirmative," Dr Abrol adds.
Even chemists in the city are surprised by the 'major' demand for i-pill. "The demand for i-pill is exorbitant, and all buyers are young girls," says Vinay Jain, finance secretary of the Chandigarh Chemists Association. "The sale of condoms has become negligible as compared to emergency contraceptive pills."
"Sometimes the first customer in the morning wants an i-pill. And if you try to make these youngsters understand the implications, you will lose your customer," Jain adds.
Emergency contraceptive pills are available on the counter and do not need a doctor's prescription.
And in cases where the i-pill may fail, girls are going for abortion pills — without seeking a doctor's advice. Doctors say these girls are "cool" about taking abortion pills without getting a haemoglobin test conducted, or a test to reveal their Rh status.
Dr Bala says that if the girl is Rh negative and the foetus is Rh positive, the girl must be given an injection to protect her and her future pregnancies. If this is not done, the girl may face problems in her future pregnancies, or if she ever requires a blood transfusion.
Gynaecologists say an abortion pill causes a drop in haemoglobin by one or two per cent. "If the haemoglobin of the girl was only 9 gram per cent earlier, it will go down to 7 gram per cent after taking an abortion pill. And the way girls eat these days...anaemia is very common," Dr Abrol says.
Demand for 'revirgination' on the risePlastic surgeons say the demand for hymenoplasty — the surgical reconstruction of hymen, also called 'revirgination' — is on the rise. Dr K M Kapoor, a leading plastic surgeon and a consultant at Fortis, says girls demanding it are those about to get married. Another leading surgeon Dr V D Singh says the procedure costs between Rs 25,000 to Rs 30,000.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Garlic Reduces Blood Pressure
Friday, July 31, 2009
First Ever Vigilance Program for Indian Herbal Medicine Companies
However, better late than never, they say! And purists are now considering the importance of universal recognition for international promotion of herbal medicines. In a recent incident, almost 200 samples of herbal medicines bought from the Internet were tested by researchers of an American University and found to contain rich deposits of minerals and metals. This has come as a punch in the face of the herbal medicine market in India. For the first time, the Government is launching a quality checking program, a vigilance program unparalleled in the history of ancient Ayurveda. The Health Ministry has announced that all Ayurvedic doctors as well as patients can report any adverse effects of Ayurveda to a regulatory body that will investigate the matter and take legal actions against the company to ensure a ‘clean’ reputation for the Ayurvedic drugs.
The national research centre selected for this program is the Post Graduate Institute of Ayurveda at the Gujarat Ayurveda University, Jamnagar. There will be eight regional centres under this apex body that will report individual cases to the committee. The committee will cross check the cases before taking any decision. The committee will also report the case to the World Health Organization if the violation of norms is of serious nature. Such a pharmacovigilance initiative has also been taken in the past for preventing the corruption in the manufacturing and selling of modern allopathic medicines, but it yielded no result, thanks to corrupt doctors and irresponsible pharma companies.
For a $300 million market in India alone, and almost $1 billion world over, this was a move that had to come sooner or later. They say, “Health is wealth”. Better if India understands the potential of its traditional medicines promising heath to the individual and wealth to the economy!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Avoid Fake Herbal Medicine Companies
But, the fly-by-night quack Ayurvedic companies are taking advantage of this faith. According to a recent finding, a whopping twenty percent of Ayurvedic medicines sold over the Internet contains over permissible limits of lead, mercury, or arsenic. The conclusion was arrived at after the researchers of a university purchased 193 samples of medicines available over the Internet and analyzed them for possible toxicity. And their doubts came to be true.
This is shocking since the herbal medicine market is mainly a export oriented market and the main demand comes from the foreigners, affected by health tourism and looking towards the east to fix their physiological problems. These guys are an easily decieved lot, and seldom cross check the products or even the profile of the company. The decision is influenced by an eye catching design of the website and a compelling copy that enthralls the readers. Some aggressive and often misguided SEO efforts lead to high Page Rank which makes the company listed among the first few pages of any search engine. Most of these products flaunt a GMP certification and there is no means by which you can verify this certification.
So, if you are living abroad and looking for herbal remedies to relieve you of asthma or other chronic illnesses, then don’t go for any Tom-Dick-or Harry manufacturer. Take time to know more about the disease, its chances of recovery and the available medications. If you are purchasing something over the Internet, do a Google search for the company to look for any media mention or press release that has come out in a national daily. Also, look for the research and development work of the company. Remember, Ayurveda is not just a quack medication. You can’t just mix some herbs, boil them and say, “Here is a miracle cure for Asthma!” It requires careful clinical experimentation and a proper lab-oriented approach to churn out the right medicine. Thankfully, the research work of Asoka Lifescience Limited is undertaken by Jadavpur University, one of the largest universities in Asia. Just the right approach needed to rub off the blemishes that fake companies put on Ayurveda.