6th International Seminar on Updates of Ayurvedic Geriatric Management during January 22-24, 2010 Institute for Postgraduate Teaching & Research in Ayurveda Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar - 361008 (Gujarat), India
First Circular
Ayurveda, the science of life accomplishes physical, mental, social and spiritual well being by adopting preventive & promotive measures with its holistic approach. Gujarat Ayurved University, developed from an Ayurvedic college (established by Gulabkunwarba Ayurvedic Society 1944), CIRISM & PGTCA (established by Govt, of India in 1952 & 1956 respectively) by an Act of Gujarat State in 1967, is committed to promote and propagate Ayurveda by way of education, research and providing treatment for human sufferings. Apart from Undergraduate education, University is conducting Post Graduate education in different subjects of Ayurveda and a high level clinical and experimental research in the field. The Post Graduate Centre became an integral part of Gujarat Ayurved university after its formation and was named as Institute of Post Graduate Teaching and Research in Ayurveda (I.P.G.T.& R.A.).
University offers various short term & long term Courses for Indians as well as foreign nationals in Ayurveda, Ayurvedic pharmaceuticals, Ayurvedic Medicinal Plant Sciences and Yoga & Naturopathy. University has MoU with Eight international institutions from various parts of the world for the propagation of Ayurveda globally. At present more than 50 international students are studying in various courses at the University. I.P.G.T. & R.A. is also working as a nodal agency for various W.H.O. training programmes. Recently I.P.G.T.& R.A. has been recognized by Dept of AYUSH as a National Pharmacovigilance Resource Centre for Ayurveda.
University has successfully organized five International Conferences in past in which huge participation was witnessed from the country as well as foreign delegates. These conferences have contributed remarkably for the validation and updating of the science of Ayurveda as evidence based medical system and also facilitated the propagation of Ayurveda globally.
In recent years significant increase has been reported in the elderly population all over the world due to improvement in management of diseases resulting declining death rate. This has increased the social and financial burden for the management of the Geriatric diseases. This trend demands focus on development of newer health care strategies for elderly people particularly for the age related diseases like loco motor disabilities, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, degenerative disorders, geriatric urinary disorders, cancer etc.
Ayurveda is known for its holistic approach in healthcare management, particularly of elderly persons. Dept of AYUSH, Govt, of India has already initiated a National Campaign on Geriatric health care through Ayurveda. Realizing the intensity of the problem, university is intended to organize 6th International Conference at Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar on "Updates on Ayurvedic Geriatric Management" during Jan 22-24,2010. The objective of this seminar is to create a data base of scientific researches in Ayurveda and awareness among Ayurvedic physicians regarding the problems of aging. It will provide a common platform for a deep insight in the challenges and solutions of the Geriatric Health Care.
The Seminar
The deliberations of the seminar comprises:
1) Plenary Sessions, 2) Guest Lectures, 3) Key Note Lectures, 4) Invited free scientific papers.
Scientific papers are invited on the following topics:
Role of Ayurveda in prevention and management of aging
Problems and Management of Shalakya disorders in aged persons
Management of Shalya disorders in aged Persons
Management of Problems of aging woman
Role of Panchakarma in prevention and management of aging
Rasayana therapy and its role in prevention and management of aging
Vajikaran and its role in aging management
Mental disorders in elderly persons
Neuro-Musculo-Skeletal disorders of elderly Persons
Experimental studies on prevention and management of aging
Concept of Prakriti (Ayu-genomics) in prevention and management of aging
Useful drugs in prevention and management of aging
Role of Rasa Aushadhi in prevention and management of aging
Research papers are invited from scholars of Ayurveda and allied disciplines. Last date for submission of abstract is 30 August 2009 and abstract along with full paper should reach the organizing secretary by 15'" September, 2009. The Scientific Review Committees decision with regard to the selection of papers for presentation will be final. The selected papers will be published in the souvenir which will be released in the conference. Papers of the registered delegates only will be accepted. The Language of the paper and presentation will be English. Best paper presentation awards will also be awarded.
Instructions for submission of paper:
The abstracts in English may be submitted by e-mail on geriatrics2010@ayurveduniversity.com Hard copy along with soft copy (in CD) should be sent by post.
The Script should be printed on A4 size paper confirming the following specifications: Abstract word limit is 150 words, Word limit for full text of the paper 2000 words, Font Type: Times New Roman, Font Size: 12, Line Spacing 1.5, Margins: Left 1.5 and other 1, Photos - colored JPEG, images not more than 2, Tables: appropriate number in roman numerical i.e. I, II and so on and with the title. Figures and graphs limited to essentials, not exceeding 4, size 70x100 numbers in Arabic e.g. fig 1, fig 2, and so on.
Content Specification: Title, Name, Designation, department, postal address with pin code and e mail of Corresponding author. Names and departments of other authors. Abstract not to exceed 300 words, Key Words 2 or 3 only. Introduction, Aim and objectives, Materials and methods, Result with statistical analysis and discussion, Conclusion, Reference should be arranged in the order of appearance at the end of the script. These should be in Arabic Numbers i.e., 1,2,3,Exhibition : An exhibition for Ayurvedic pharmaceutical, cosmetic, diet supplements and health care products, Panchakarma and other teaching material will also be organized with wide participation from Ayurvedic drug industry.
Registration : The registration form is available on website of the university. Duly filled registration form should reach to the Organizing Secretary by 30'" November, 2009 with requisite registration fee.
Registration Fee
Upto Nov.30,2009
After Nov. 30, 2009
Indian Delegates
Rs. 600.00
Rs. 800.00
Accompanying Persons
Rs. 400.00
Rs. 500.00
P.G. Students
Rs. 300.00
Rs. 400.00
Foreign Delegates
US$ 100
Accompanying Persons
US$ 50
SAARC and Neighboring Countries
Industrial representatives
Rs. 2000.00
Rs. 2500.00
Privilege :- Registration fee includes Seminar material, free dormitory accommodation, lunch, dinner, breakfast etc. during seminar days. However, those interested to opt for hotel accommodation, the same will be made available on payment basis. The request should be received before November 30,2009.
Payment- Registration fee may be remitted by a bank draft drawn in favour of Director, I.P.G.T & R.A., Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar payable at Jamnagar.
About the place: Jamnagar is situated on the west coast of India in the State of Gujarat and well connected by Rail & Road to all parts of India. It is also connected by air from Mumbai. Weather will be pleasant with temperature around 15°c - 20°c.
Large number of delegates from different parts of the country and abroad are expected to participate in the seminar. An early confirmation of your participation is solicited.
Prof. M.S. Baghel
Address for all communications: Dr. Anup Thakar, Organizing Secretary, Sushruta Bhavan, Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar-361008, Gujarat (India) Ph : + 91 288 2552014 Fax : 91 288 2676856 Email: geriatrics2010@ayurueduniversity.com For updates Visit: www.ayurveduniversity.edu.in
ReplyDeleteSure i will be great event for all Ayurveda Users a specially from Junagadh and Jamnagar.